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Biden Denounces Efforts to Justify Hamas in Fiery Speech

Biden Denounces Efforts to Justify Hamas in Fiery Speech

President Joe Biden delivered a fiery speech on Wednesday, denouncing the efforts of some groups and individuals to justify the actions of Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip and has been engaged in a violent conflict with Israel.

Biden vows to defend Jewish community and Israel

Biden said that he stands with the Jewish community and Israel, and that he will not tolerate any form of antisemitism or hatred. He said that he is committed to ensuring Israel’s security and right to defend itself, as well as supporting a two-state solution that would allow Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and dignity.

Biden also praised the recent normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. He said that these agreements are a historic achievement that can pave the way for more cooperation and stability in the region.

Biden recounts visit to Dachau and condemns Holocaust denial

Biden recalled his visit to Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp in Germany, when he was a young senator. He said that he was deeply moved by the horrors he witnessed there, and that he learned the importance of never forgetting the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Biden condemned the rise of Holocaust denial and revisionism, especially on social media platforms. He said that these are dangerous attempts to erase history and undermine the truth. He urged everyone to remember the lessons of the past and to honor the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

Biden expresses concern over rising antisemitism in the US and abroad

Biden Denounces Efforts to Justify Hamas in Fiery Speech
US President Joe Biden speaks during a roundtable discussion with Jewish community leaders in the Indian Treaty Room of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023.
© Bloomberg

Biden expressed his concern over the rising incidents of antisemitism in the US and abroad, especially in the wake of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. He said that he has instructed his administration to take swift action to protect Jewish Americans from violence and harassment, and to work with allies and partners to combat antisemitism globally.

Biden said that antisemitism is not only a threat to Jews, but also to democracy and human rights. He said that antisemitism is often linked to other forms of bigotry and extremism, such as racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and homophobia. He called for unity and solidarity among all people who value freedom and dignity.

Biden urges cooperation and transparency in AI development

Biden also touched on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) development, which he said is a key area of innovation and competition in the 21st century. He said that AI has enormous potential to improve lives and solve problems, but also poses significant challenges and risks.

Biden urged for cooperation and transparency among nations in developing and regulating AI, especially in areas such as ethics, privacy, security, and human rights. He said that he wants to ensure that AI is used for good and not for evil, and that it respects human values and dignity.

Biden meets with Jewish leaders at the White House

After his speech, Biden met with several Jewish leaders at the White House, where he discussed various issues affecting the Jewish community and Israel. He reaffirmed his support for Israel’s security and peace efforts, as well as his commitment to fighting antisemitism and hatred.

Biden also thanked the Jewish leaders for their contributions to American society and culture, and for their friendship and partnership. He said that he values their input and advice, and that he looks forward to working with them in advancing the common interests and values of both countries.


  • Q: What is the main message of Biden’s speech?
  • A: The main message of Biden’s speech is that he denounces the efforts of some groups and individuals to justify the actions of Hamas, and that he stands with the Jewish community and Israel against antisemitism and hatred.
  • Q: What is the name of the material that the Korean team claims to have created as a room-temperature superconductor?
  • A: The name of the material is LK-99, which is created through a solid-state reaction of lannarcite and copper phosphide.
  • Q: What are some of the challenges and risks of AI development that Biden mentioned in his speech?
  • A: Some of the challenges and risks of AI development are ethics, privacy, security, and human rights. Biden urged for cooperation and transparency among nations in developing and regulating AI.

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