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Israel Prepares for Ground Invasion of Gaza Amid Escalating Conflict

Israel Prepares for Ground Invasion of Gaza as it intensifies airstrikes and evacuates border town. The article covers the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the U.S. support for Israel, the intelligence report on hospital blast, and the regional tensions.

Israel intensifies airstrikes and evacuates border town

Israel has stepped up its bombardment of Gaza, targeting areas in the south where Palestinians had been told to seek safety. The Israeli military said it had hit a Hamas command and control center near a Greek Orthodox church that was housing displaced Palestinians.

Israel also began evacuating a large town near the Lebanese border, signaling a possible ground invasion of Gaza. The defense minister ordered troops to be ready to enter the coastal enclave, where Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for nearly two weeks.

Gaza faces humanitarian crisis and aid blockade

Gaza’s hospitals are struggling to cope with the influx of wounded and displaced people, as well as the lack of medical supplies and fuel. The territory’s only power plant shut down last week, forcing people to rely on generators and dirty water.

Egypt and Israel have been negotiating the entry of aid through Rafah, the only crossing not controlled by Israel. But the deal has not been implemented yet, and Israel said it would prevent any diversion of aid by Hamas. More than 200 trucks and 3,000 tons of aid are waiting at or near Rafah.

Biden pledges support for Israel’s security and Palestinian humanity

President Joe Biden expressed his unwavering support for Israel’s security, while also acknowledging the suffering of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. He said he was sending an urgent budget request to Congress to cover emergency military aid to both Israel and Ukraine.

Biden also linked the war in Gaza to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying both Hamas and Putin wanted to destroy neighboring democracies. He said he had returned from an urgent visit to Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials.

Intelligence report estimates low-end casualties in hospital blast

An unclassified U.S. intelligence report estimated that between 100 and 300 people were killed in an explosion at a Gaza City hospital this week. The report said the blast was not caused by an Israeli airstrike, as Hamas initially claimed, but by a rocket misfired by Palestinian militants.

The report said the casualty estimate may change as more evidence is gathered. It also said the blast reflected a staggering loss of life. Israel has presented video, audio and other evidence to support its claim that Hamas was responsible for the explosion.

West Bank erupts in violence as Hezbollah threatens to join war

The West Bank witnessed a deadly clash between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops on Thursday, in which 13 Palestinians were killed. The Israeli military said it had called in an airstrike to stop a group of armed militants from attacking a nearby settlement.

The violence in the West Bank added to the regional tensions, as Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group in Lebanon, exchanged fire with Israel along the border. Hezbollah has hinted that it might join the war if Israel tries to annihilate Hamas. Iran supports both armed groups.


Q: Why did Israel evacuate a town near the Lebanese border?

A: Israel evacuated a town near the Lebanese border because it was preparing for a possible ground invasion of Gaza, where Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for nearly two weeks. Israel’s defense minister ordered troops to be ready to enter the coastal enclave, where it has been conducting airstrikes and targeting Hamas command centers.

Q: How is Egypt involved in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza?

A: Egypt is involved in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza because it is negotiating with Israel the entry of aid through Rafah, the only crossing not controlled by Israel. Egypt has also been mediating between Israel and Hamas to reach a ceasefire agreement, but so far without success. Egypt shares a border with Gaza and has historically supported the Palestinian cause.

Q: What is the U.S. position on the war in Gaza?

A: The U.S. position on the war in Gaza is that it supports Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas’ attacks, while also acknowledging the suffering of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The U.S. president said he was sending an urgent budget request to Congress to cover emergency military aid to both Israel and Ukraine. He also linked the war in Gaza to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying both Hamas and Putin wanted to destroy neighboring democracies.

Q: What caused the explosion at a Gaza City hospital this week?

A: The explosion at a Gaza City hospital this week was caused by a rocket misfired by Palestinian militants, according to an unclassified U.S. intelligence report. The report estimated that between 100 and 300 people were killed in the blast, which was not caused by an Israeli airstrike, as Hamas initially claimed. Israel has presented video, audio and other evidence to support its claim that Hamas was responsible for the explosion.

Q: How is Hezbollah threatening to join the war?

A: Hezbollah is threatening to join the war because it is an Iran-backed militant group in Lebanon that supports Hamas and opposes Israel. Hezbollah exchanged fire with Israel along the border on Thursday, and hinted that it might join the war if Israel tries to annihilate Hamas. Iran supports both armed groups and has been accused of supplying them with weapons and funds.

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